Allocate unallocated credits

Step 5 of 9

An unallocated credit is a credit transaction that is not allocated to a debit transaction, for example, a credit note that is not allocated to an invoice. Allocating unallocated credits before invoices are dispatched helps ensure that the aging and disposition for each account are correct.

This task explains how to allocate unallocated credits.

  1. On the Smile menu, click Billing, then click Unallocated Credits.
    The Unallocated Credits page is displayed. Smile displays only the unallocated credits for accounts that also have an unallocated debit.
  2. (Optional) Untick Only show accounts with unallocated debits to see all accounts with unallocated credits.
    Smile displays all unallocated credits. Note that you cannot allocate a credit if an account has no unallocated debits.
  3. Click Allocate... next to the credit to allocate.
    The Allocate page appears.
  4. (Optional) To change the account that the credit is allocated to, do the following:
    1. Click Change.
    2. Search for the account.
    3. Click Select next to the account that you want to allocate the credit to.
  5. Review the available debit transactions, and click Allocate next to the transaction to which you want to allocate the credit.
    The Allocate to transaction page appears.
  6. Type the value of the credit to allocate in the Amount to allocate field, and click Allocate.
    Smile allocates the credit to the debit transaction and returns to the Allocate page.
To allocate unallocated credits in bulk, click Auto allocate in bulk on the Unallocated Credits page. Smile allocates the unallocated credits to the oldest debit on each account. To avoid settling an invoice in dispute, do not auto-allocate credits if the oldest unpaid invoice on an account is disputed.