Add or change a minimum session charge

A minimum session charge is the minimum charge applied to every session or call on a plan.

This task explains how to add or change a minimum session charge.

  1. Under the Extra Charges section on the Settings tab, click Change... to the right of the Minimum session charge line.
    A Minimum session charge page is displayed.
  2. Select the Charge a minimum amount for every session or call checkbox. Click Save.
    Minimum session charge property fields are displayed.

    Figure: Minimum session charge page

    Screenshot of the Minimum session charge page
  3. Complete the minimum session charge properties:
    • Minimum session/call charge—Specifies the numerical ex tax value of the minimum session charge.
    • Invoice item description—Specifies the invoice item text of the minimum session charge. Minimum session charge is displayed by default.
    • Invoice display order—Specifies the display order of the charge on an invoice. For example, 0 will list the item at the top of the invoice. 9 will display the charge item lower.
    • Sales report category—Specifies the sales report category the charge is allocated to. For more information, see Sales report categories.
    • Charge type—Specifies the charge type category. Minimum charge is displayed by default. For more information, see Charge types and units.
  4. Click Save.
    The Settings tab is displayed.