Importer properties
The configuration properties of an importer are determined by the Importer Type selected during creation. Smile provides proprietary importers for a number of upstream provider formats and field properties vary between importer type.
The following properties are the configuration fields provided in Smiles standard CDR CSV Importers for FTP and SFTP.
Smile CDR CSV Importer (FTP)
- Name
- Specifies a descriptive name of the importer.
- FTP Hostname
- Specifies the FTP hostname from which Smile retrieves the CDR CSV.
- FTP Username
- Specifies the username that Smile provides to the FTP host.
- FTP Password
- Specifies the password that Smile provides to the FTP host.
- Starting directory
- Specifies the starting directory. Leave blank to use the default.
- Spool directory
- Specifies the Smile directory in which Smile places files to be processed.
- Filename regex
- Specifies the regular expression defining which files to fetch. The importer will only download files matching this pattern. Leave blank to use the default.
- Import CDR files from sub-directories
- When selected specifies that CDRs are imported from sub-directories under that Starting directory on the FTP server.
- Character encoding (defaults to System's encoding)
- Specifies character encoding format.
- Ignore CDR entries before
- Specifies that CDR entries older than the specified date are not processed.
- Lookup usernames in
- Specifies where Smile will look to match usernames on CDRs.
- Subservices and Subscriptions
- Subscriptions
- Subservices
- Convert FNN Caller & Called numbers to E.164 format
- When selected specifies that Australian Full National Number Caller and Called numbers are converted to E.164 international public telecommunication numbering format.
- Age Threshold to be "recent"
- Specifies the time, in hours, within which a file or item is classified as recent on the Smile Importers summary page.
- Error Ticket
- Specifies if a helpdesk ticket is created by Smile in the event of an import error.
- Don't raise tickets on errors
- template ticket name
- Service
- Specifies services that Smile will search to find matching subscriptions.
- Manage Scheduled Task
- Specifies when and how often the importer runs to automatically import CDRs.
Smile CDR CSV Importer (SFTP)
- Name
- Specifies a descriptive name of the importer.
- Spool subdirectory for fetched files
- Specifies the Smile subdirectory in which Smile places files to be processed.
- Remote Hostname
- Specifies the hostname of the remote server from which Smile retrieves the CDR CSV.
- Remote port
- Specifies the port number of the remote server from which Smile retrieves the CDR CSV. Default port number is 22.
- Remote username
- Specifies the username that Smile provides to the remote host.
- Filename of local private key (id_dsa)
- Specifies the name of the file containing the private key Smile users to authenticate the SFTP session.
- Remote directory containing CDRs
- Specifies the directory on the remote server from which Smile begins fetching files.
- Remote filename regex
- Specifies the regular expression defining which files to fetch. Importer will only download files matching this pattern. Leave blank to use the default.
- Traverse the remote directory recursively
- Specifies that the importer will traverse the remote directory recursively before proceeding.
- Character encoding (defaults to System's encoding)
- Specifies character encoding format.
- Ignore CDR entries before
- Specifies that CDR entries older than the specified date are not processed.
- Lookup usernames in
- Specifies where Smile will look to match usernames on CDRs.
- Subservices and Subscriptions
- Subscriptions
- Subservices
- Convert FNN Caller & Called numbers to E.164 format
- When selected specifies that Australian Full National Number Caller and Called numbers are converted to E.164 international public telecommunication numbering format.
- Age Threshold to be "recent"
- Specifies the time, in hours, within which a file or item is classified as recent on the Smile Importers summary page.
- Error Ticket
- Specifies if a helpdesk ticket is created by Smile in the event of an import error.
- Don't raise tickets on errors
- template ticket name
- Service
- Specifies services that Smile will search to find matching subscriptions.
- Manage Scheduled Task
- Specifies when and how often the importer runs to automatically import CDRs.