View events

Smile keeps a record of each change made to an account or subscription. These changes are named events. Viewing events lets you review the actions that have occurred on an account or subscription, and helps you answer customer enquiries and troubleshoot problems.

This task explains how to view events.

  1. Search for the account for which you want to view events, then double-click the account entry in the search results.
    The Account summary page is displayed.
  2. On the account sidebar, click Event Log.
    The Event Log page appears and displays each change made to the account and its associated subscriptions. This page is the account and subscription log.
  3. To filter the events that are displayed, do one of the following:
    • Enter a keyword in the Search field to display events that contain the keyword.
    • Enter a date in the From Date field to display events that occurred on and after that date.
    • Clear the Show events for subscriptions checkbox to hide subscription events.
  4. Click View next to an event for detailed information about the event.