Check the daily connection report

The daily connection report displays the number of connections to, and the usage for, each service per day. If this report displays a low number of connections or other unexpected trends, Smile may be unable to import usage data or another issue may exist.

This task explains how to check the daily connection report.

  1. On the Smile menu, click Analytics.
    The Analytics interface is displayed.
  2. On the Analytics Menu Tree, click the Disclosure triangle to the left of Operations to expand the report list, then click Daily Connection Report.
    The Daily Connection Report page is displayed.
  3. Enter the first date of the rating period in the Start Date field, enter the last date of the rating period in the End Date field and click Show report.
    Smile displays the daily usage data and the number of connections for each service.
  4. Review the usage data. If the report displays an unexpected trend or data is missing, check for failed import items.