
An audit or history of all of the changes and events related to a ticket.

Column name Description Data type
company The company id this contract belongs to.

Reference to company.

crm_contact Primary key. integer
account The account that this crm_contact pertains to, if known.

Reference to account.

integer *
log_time The timestamp this crm_contact was logged. time stamp with time zone
operator Reference to operator. integer
private When true this contract entry should not be visible to end users. boolean
ticket The ticket this crm_contact pertains to.

Reference to ticket.

integer *
subscription The subscription whose action caused this crm_contact entry.

Reference to subscription.

integer *
crm_contact_type Specifies the kind of event or change that this crm_contact entry records.

Reference to crm_contact_type.

message A textual description of this record. text *
flagged   boolean
audit True if this crm_contact entry records a change to another crm_contact entry. boolean
deleted When true this record has been marked as deleted. boolean
old_value For crm_contact entries recording a change, this field holds the old value. text *
new_value For crm_contact entries recording a change, this field holds the new value. text *
ticket_action Filled when this record refers to a ticket_action. integer *