
List of the cost centres configured against an account. Each account has its own list of cost centres, this view lists them keyed on the account field.

Column name Description Data type
account_cost_centre Primary key.

Reference to account.

account The account uid. integer
name The cost centre name. Unique amongst a single account. text

Smile allows the definition of arbitrary cost centres which can be applied to invoices for a given account. Cost centres are defined against individual accounts and are intended to allow your customers to identify the source of costs within their own organisation.

Cost centres can be applied to any invoice item raised by Smile.

For example, if you have a customer with multiple branch offices, and each branch office has purchased multiple services from you, then you can set up each branch as a cost centre within that customer’s account, and allocate each service to that specific cost centre. When you print an invoice for the customer, the individual line items will be sorted by cost centre for your customer’s convenience.

To find all cost centres for a given customer:

SELECT * FROM account_cost_centre WHERE account=uid('2142423033');

 account_cost_centre | account |   name    
                   8 |     288 | Melbourne
                   9 |     288 | Sydney
                  10 |     288 | Brisbane